Meet Carolina

Lyric coloratura soprano Carolina Sullivan is a second year master’s student at Eastman; previously, she received her Bachelor of Music in Performance from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.

In April 2024 she made her debut with the Eastman Opera Theatre as Soeur Constance in Dialogues des Carmélites. Her other notable roles include Clara Johnson in The Light in the Piazza and Mademoiselle Silberklang in Der Schauspieldirektor.

Earlier this year Carolina was the winner of the Jessie Kneisel German Lieder Competition, as well as a finalist in the Friends of Eastman Opera competition. She is a top prize recipient of the Great Lakes Regional NATS competition, as well as several other local competitions in Cincinnati, Ohio, her hometown.

Apart from opera, Carolina sings each week with Eastman’s Schola Cantorum under Stephen Kennedy and occasionally the community ensemble First Inversion under Dr. Lee Wright. She lives in downtown Rochester, NY with her partner and loves watching medical dramas and trying new recipes.

Photo by Elizabeth Healy, @photonsoffun.

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